Colonic Hydrotherapy / Colonic Irrigation Melbourne

Gentle, natural and highly effective detoxification

Colonic hydrotherapy (also called colonic irrigation) is a gentle, natural and highly effective method of detoxification.

Our method of colonic hydrotherapy is administered by degree-qualified Naturopaths who have a wealth of knowledge to assist clients to detox and improve their gut health, naturally.

Abdominal massage is performed to promote the release of wastes, the contents of the viewing tube are discussed and all wastes are removed by a closed tube, so no noise, mess or odours are created.

Clients have the option of adding an organic coffee infusion to their colonic irrigation, which enhances the release of toxins by promoting liver function.

How does Colonic Hydrotherapy work?

Filtered water is infused into the colon to cleanse the body of accumulated wastes, acting as a kind of internal bath. Your body then naturally expels the water while you relax. By washing away the toxins that clog your insides, your body is able to function optimally.

Colonic Hydrotherapy is an excellent therapy for digestive complaints, skin problems, headaches, fatigue and lack of energy - all of which may relate to toxic overload. After a series of treatments you will notice:

  • Improved Digestive Function
  • Increased Energy
  • Glowing Skin & Clear Eyes
  • Easier Weight Management
  • Improved Circulation
  • Enhanced Immunity
  • A Generally Positive & Relaxed Mental State

Why have Colonic Hydrotherapy (Colonic Irrigation)?

Colonic Hydrotherapy is a procedure that has been practised for thousands of years, and has recently regained attention as a natural and highly effective method of detoxification.

In the modern world we are exposed to many toxins. Our body's systems of elimination are often overburdened, and therefore unable to function properly.

The colon is the prime eliminator of wastes in our body, essentially acting as our sewerage system, but also performing other important functions such as the absorption of water, assimilation of minerals, synthesis of vitamins and neurotransmitters and housing the microbiome. Over time wastes can accumulate in our "sewerage pipes", leading to a variety of digestive diseases such as constipation, IBS, colitis, yeast infection (candida overgrowth), diarrhoea, abdominal pain, bloating and flatulence.

Accumulated toxins in the colon may also leech back into the bloodstream, resulting in systemic signs of toxicity such as fatigue, headaches, moodiness, food sensitivites and skin disorders.

Over time this gradual poisoning of the system can result in more serious diseases, hence the belief that "all disease begins in the colon".

By gently cleaning out wastes that have accumulated in the colon, the body's toxic burden is alleviated, and the digestive system is able to function more effectively. Reported benefits of colonic hydrotherapy include: improved digestion, increased energy, glowing skin and clear eyes, easier weight management, a positive and relaxed mental state, improved circulation, and enhanced immunity.

The procedure helps to flush out debris, toxins and parasites, cleansing the body and promoting good health naturally.

After the colonic hydrotherapy session normal daily activities can be resumed.

Colonic hydrotherapy should be considered as a treatment for digestive disorders, skin issues, general  detoxification, rejuvenation and improved health. Because when we remove the wastes from the body, it can function properly.

For further information please check out our comprehensive Colonic Hydrotherapy FAQs, read about the difference between OPEN and CLOSED colonics, or send us an email.

Or if you're ready for the best cleanse of your life, please book online!

Find us

03 9388 2422

22 Tripovich St
(corner Ballarat St)
Brunswick VIC 3056

* Parking is best found on Ballarat St or the carpark on Victoria St near Sydney Rd.

Reception and over the counter Naturopathic advice and product sales are available:

  • Saturday

All other therapies are by appointment. Please book online on our website, email us using the CONTACT tab or phone the clinic on 9388 2422.
