{ Prices }

  • Single session $140

  • 3 treatments paid up front $390 (savings of $30)

Organic coffee infusion - $30 extra.

  • $45 for a single session. 

  • $200 for 5 sessions.

  • $120 / hour, initial consultation.

  • $100 / 45 minute return consultation.

  • $75 / 30 minute return consultation.

Concession rates are available on presentation of a valid health care card.

  • $55 / session

  • $140 / 3 sessions paid up front (save $25)

Initial - 90 min session - $220

Return - 60 min session - $160

First time session - full body - 75 mins - $150

Return client - full body - 75 mins - $150

Return client - half body - 60 mins - $120

A minimum of 3-5 applications is required to see the full benefit. Please don't book in if you're wanting a quick fix in one session.

  • 45 mins: $105

  • 1 hour: $120

  • 1.5 hours: $180

  • 2 hours: $240

Rebates may be available with private health insurance, please check when booking if you require this.

Hot Stone Massage costs $150/hour or $205 for 1.5 hours.

  • 75 minute initial consult: $110

  • 1 hour return consult: $100

Rebates are available with our HiCaps private health insurance claims terminal.

  • 1.5 hour Initial appointment: $155

  • 1 hour Return appointment: $125

  • 2 hours: $185

  • 75 mins initial: $125

  • 60 mins return: $110

  • 2 hour Reiki Attunement $250

{ Find us }

03 9388 2422
22 Tripovich Street
(Cnr Ballarat Street)
Brunswick VIC 3056
Parking is best found on Ballarat St or the carpark on Victoria St near Sydney Rd.

Reception and over the counter Naturopathic advice and product sales are available:


All other therapies are by appointment. Please book online on our website, email us via the contact page, or phone the clinic on 03 9388 2422.