{ Policies }

Returns and Refunds

We comply with all aspects of Australian Consumer Law. We are not required to provide a refund or replacement for products if you change your mind, however you can choose a refund or replacement if the product you purchased has a Major problem as defined by Consumer Affairs Victoria.


Appointment cancellations  – We require at least 24 hrs notice to reschedule or cancel your booking. Any deposit or pre-payment paid will be forfeited (and cannot be transferred) if you do not allow this amount of time, or if you do not show up for your appointment, regardless of the reason. We will also request full pre-payment for any future bookings made and we will cancel your booking if there a failure to pay in full in advance. 

No shows – we send email confirmation of your booking, and a text message reminder 2 days before your appointment. If you don’t show up for your session, you will lose any deposit or pre-payment made, and we will request full pre-payment for any subsequent bookings.

Prepayment requests – if we have requested pre-payment for an online booking made and we do not receive this payment, we reserve the right to cancel that booking.

Prepaid packages – we offer great discounts for prepaying for your sessions. If you change your mind and don’t want to complete your sessions, we can offer you a credit note for the remainder of your package. The value of the credit is calculated at the package price, minus the sessions used charged at the full rate (not the discounted rate). Our packages have an expiry of 6 months after the date of purchase, please ensure you use all your sessions within this time frame. Refunds are not offered for any unused portion of prepaid packages. 

No response – we send email confirmation of your booking and a text message reminder 2 days before. If you do not respond to our text message reminder and other attempts to confirm your booking, we reserve the right to cancel the booking.

Repeated cancellations – if you cancel more than 50% of the appointments you have made, we reserve the right to cancel or refuse any future bookings made. 


Brunswick Holistic Health does not sell, rent or trade personal information to any third party. We take special care to protect the privacy and security of personal information.

Upon booking an appointment, Brunswick Holistic Health collects relevant personal information including names, addresses, phone numbers, e-mail address, birthdays, health history and medical conditions.

Brunswick Holistic Health therapists and staff have access to personal information only to manage the clinic business and will not be used or sold for any other purpose, except if required to do so by law or to comply with legal process.

Health and Safety

Whilst all reasonable care is taken, some therapies carried out at Brunswick Holistic Health entail inherent risks. Patients are made aware of these risks, and assume the risk and responsibility.  

Medical Conditions Disclosure

We request that existing medical conditions be declared, which may exclude some patients from some therapies. If you have a serious medical condition or are taking pharmaceuticals, we recommend you check in with your doctor as to the suitability of the therapy of choice.  


When an injury occurs at Brunswick Holistic Health, staff will provide First Aid as necessary and appropriate. An ambulance will be called if required, and an incident report will be completed. Brunswick Holistic Health is not liable for any costs incurred in obtaining such emergency medical attention, including ambulance fees.

Complaints and Feedback

If you are not satisfied with our service, please contact us. We take complaints seriously and aim to resolve them quickly and fairly.

If you remain dissatisfied with our response, you may contact the Health Complaints Commissioner (HCC). The HCC responds to complaints about health services and the handling of health information in Victoria. Their service is free, confidentail and impartial. To lodge a complaint with the HCC: fill out a complaint form online at hcc.vic.gov.au or phone 1300 582 113 between 9am and 5pm, Monday to Friday to discuss your complaint.


Brunswick Holistic Health makes no warranties or representations of any kind about the accuracy or suitability of the information contained on this website. Brunswick Holistic Health also cannot guarantee the accuracy, and has no liability in relation to, the content of linked third-party websites. Where required, you should seek advice for any condition from appropriate practitioners. 

To the extent permitted by the law, Brunswick Holistic Health is not responsible for any loss, damage, injury to property or person, and costs incurred or suffered directly or indirectly in connection with the use of this website. Users of the Website thereby agree to release Brunswick Holistic Health from all liability (including in negligence) in respect of such use.

Code of Conduct

Brunswick Holistic Health therapists are accountable for their actions in professional practice and have moral and legal obligations for the provision of safe and competent healthcare. 

1. Ethical Principles 

Brunswick Holistic Health therapists:

1.1 conduct themselves ethically and professionally at all times. 

1.2 render their professional services in accordance with holistic principles for the benefit and wellbeing of clients. 

1.3 do no harm to clients. 

1.4 maintain current professional knowledge, skills and attributes through continuing professional education. 

1.5 respect a client’s autonomy, needs, values, culture and vulnerability in the provision of natural medicine. 

1.6 accept the rights of clients and encourage them to make informed choices in relation to their healthcare. 

1.7 recognise the limitations of the treatment they can provide and refer clients to other appropriate healthcare professionals when necessary.

1.8 treat clients with respect, and do not engage in any form of exploitation whether financial, physical, sexual, emotional, religious or for any other reason. 

1.9 have an understanding of any adverse interactions between the therapies and/or treatment provided and prescribed or any other medications or treatment the client is taking or receiving. 

1.10 treat within their scope of practice. 

1.11   behave with courtesy, respect, dignity and discretion towards the client, at all times respecting the diversity of individuals and honouring the trust in the therapeutic relationship. 

1.12   shall declare any conflict of interest or bias to the client, whether the conflict or bias is actual or potential, financial or personal. 

2. Duty of Care 

Brunswick Holistic Health therapists:

2.1   accept the rights of clients to make informed choices in relation to their healthcare.

2.2   ensure that informed consent appropriate to that assessment or treatment has been obtained prior to commencing treatment. 

2.3  exercise reasonable skill, competence, diligence and care. 

2.4  do not misrepresent or misuse their skill, ability or qualification. 

2.5  do not attempt to dissuade a client from seeking or continuingmedical treatment. 

2.6  take appropriate and timely measures to minimise harm to clients including, but not limited to, providing first aid assistance. 

2.7  adopt Standard Precautions for the control of infection. It is the therapist’s responsibility to be aware of Standard Precautions. 

2.8  who carry out skin penetration comply with the skin penetration legislation for their state or territory under which such procedures are regulated. 

3. Professional Conduct 

Brunswick Holistic Health therapists:

3.1   will only adopt the title “Dr” if they hold a Professional Doctorate or PhD, and are registered with a properly constituted Australian registration body. 

3.2   only use the health fund provider number(s) to which it is issued, and no other person. 

3.3  will not provide false, misleading or incorrect information or documents, including without limitation, information or documents regarding health fund rebates, to any person or entity. 

3.4   will not falsely claim or advertise for any modality or modalities for which they are not accredited. 

3.5  will not denigrate any person or entity of the healthcare industry. 

3.6  will not engage in any activity, whether written or verbal, that will reflect inaccurately or improperly on natural medicine. 

3.7  do not provide treatment or care to clients while under the influence of alcohol or unlawful substances. 

3.8  who are taking prescribed medication must obtain advice from the prescribing practitioner or dispensing pharmacist about the impact of the medication on their ability to practise and will refrain from treating or caring for clients in circumstances where their capacity is or may be impaired. 

3.9  supply medicines in accordance with the relevant therapeutic goods and consumer legislation. All assessment and treatment devices are properly maintained and fit for purpose. 

3.10 ensure that appropriate insurance arrangements are in place for their practice. 

4. Professional Boundaries 

Brunswick Holistic Health therapists:

4.1  do not engage in a sexual or other inappropriate personal, physical or emotional behaviour or relationship with a client. 

4.2 ensure that a reasonable period of time has elapsed since the conclusion of the therapeutic relationship before engaging in a sexual relationship with a former client. 

4.3  decline any approaches of a sexual nature by a client and document this in the client’s record. 

5. Personal Information and Confidentiality 

Brunswick Holistic Health therapists:

5.1   comply with all applicable privacy legislation. 

5.2  keep confidential the information given by a client in the therapeutic relationship.

5.3  securely store client records, and archive, pass on or dispose of in accordance with applicable privacy and health records legislation. 

5.4  maintain accurate, legible, objective, comprehensive and up to date records in English of each client consultation. Any later modifications to these records are signed and dated by the therapist.

{ Find us }

03 9388 2422
22 Tripovich Street
(Cnr Ballarat Street)
Brunswick VIC 3056
Parking is best found on Ballarat St or the carpark on Victoria St near Sydney Rd.

Reception and over the counter Naturopathic advice and product sales are available:


All other therapies are by appointment. Please book online on our website, email us via the contact page, or phone the clinic on 03 9388 2422.