{ Naturopathy }

Naturopathic and Holistic Advice, Nutrition, Vitamins, Herbs and Natural Remedies

Naturopathy is an evidence-based system of medicine that supports your body to heal itself and regain balance. Naturopaths complete a 4 year degree to obtain their qualification in natural medicine (Bachelor of Health Science), and in that period study the traditional sciences as well as herbal medicine, nutrition, homoeopathy, flower essences and counselling.

Where a doctor uses pharmaceuticals and surgery to address health complaints, naturopaths provide advice on dietary and lifestyle change, and prescribe herbal and nutritional medicines. Natural remedies are gentle and non-habit forming, and proven effective by hundreds of years of use and more recently, scientific studies. 

Naturopaths can treat both acute illness and chronic conditions: those lingering health complaints that are temporarily relieved by the medicines from the pharmacy, but are not cured by them. Naturopathy can help people to achieve optimum health and vitality, prevent disease and ultimately take responsibilty for their own health and healing.

A naturopath will help you to gain an understanding of your body and how best to take care of it, so you can look and feel your best.

Book an appointment for Naturopathy (including Zoom consults) here, or call us on 03 9388 2422.

{ Find us }

03 9388 2422
22 Tripovich Street
(Cnr Ballarat Street)
Brunswick VIC 3056
Parking is best found on Ballarat St or the carpark on Victoria St near Sydney Rd.

Reception and over the counter Naturopathic advice and product sales are available:


All other therapies are by appointment. Please book online on our website, email us via the contact page, or phone the clinic on 03 9388 2422.