{ Ear Candling Melbourne | Ear Candling Brunswick }

For sinus, tinnitus, ringing in ears, hearing, stress

Ear candling is a gentle, relaxing treatment to clear the ear canals of accumulated debris and stimulate the flow of energy to the entire head area. It's an excellent therapy for relieving conditions affecting the head and ear area such as:

  • sinus congestion

  • glue ear / swimmers ear

  • ringing in the ears (tinnitus)

  • hearing problems

  • age related deafness

  • flying discomfort

  • excessive ear wax

During a treatment you will be lying on your side, and the lit candle is gently inserted into the ear canal. A soft crackling sound is heard, similar to the noise of an open fire. Popping may also be heard as wax is dislodged from the ear.

The burning of the candle creates a warming vacuum (like a chimney), to draw excess matter from the ears and promote circulation. It is also said that the flame draws energy into the body and stimulates the acupressure points located in the region of the ear.

After a treatment you will feel relaxed, grounded and notice an improvement in hearing.

Treatments are available with our therapists, and we also sell the candles so you can do follow up treatments at home.

Book your Ear Candling appointment online, or call us on 03 9388 2422.

{ Find us }

03 9388 2422
22 Tripovich Street
(Cnr Ballarat Street)
Brunswick VIC 3056
Parking is best found on Ballarat St or the carpark on Victoria St near Sydney Rd.

Reception and over the counter Naturopathic advice and product sales are available:


All other therapies are by appointment. Please book online on our website, email us via the contact page, or phone the clinic on 03 9388 2422.