Open Colonics or Closed Colonics?

The Two Different Methods of Colonics


Closed Colonic Hydrotherapy @ Brunswick Holistic Health

We have been offering Colonics at our clinic in Melbourne since 2006, so have helped many people to cleanse their bowels, detoxify and improve their gut function. We are experienced in both the open and closed methods of colonics, having had extensive experience and professional training in both methods.

We now offer closed colonics, which is safe, effective and less daunting than the open method of colonics, as a trained and qualified health professional is there to assist you and guide you through the process.

The Process:

When you book in for Colonic Hydrotherapy at Brunswick Holistic Health, we'll ask you to fill in a health history questionnaire, which details the contra-indications and risks and ensures the therapy is right for you. Your health history is checked over by our degree-qualified Naturopath and certified Colon Hydrotherapist, Leanne, who will be assisting you with the cleansing process. 

Upon arrival at your appointment, you're taken into our newly renovated treatment room to introduce you to the colonic process. Soon after you will be provided with a towel and offered privacy to undress from the waist down, and then lay yourself down on the treatment bed on your side, covering yourself with the towel provided. The therapist will then join you to insert a lubricated, single-use rounded tip speculum/tube into the rectum. Although slightly daunting on your first visit, in the closed method of colonics you can relax knowing a trained health professional will do the insertion correctly and safely.

Once you are ready and covered over with the towel provided, you roll onto your back, and the therapist will begin the flow of water. It's a very gentle flow of warm, filtered water that infuses into the bowel to loosen and remove all accumulated wastes. 

You will see the matter removed in the "viewing tube" beside the bed, and your therapist will give you feedback as to what is being released. Visible in the tube may be undigested food, bile from the liver, and faecal matter that could indicate the presence of worms, parasites or dysbiosis (bacterial imbalance). 

Your therapist will perform abdominal massage during the treatment, assisting in the removal of old wastes. 

The warm water is infused into the bowel for 20-40 minutes, depending on the client's comfort and experience in colonics. The rectal tube is then safely removed, and you go to the private ensuite to complete the purging of wastes.

What's the main difference between Open and Closed Colonics?

An Open colonic is a self-administered method of colonics, where the water flow remains on during the treatment and the patient is left alone in the treatment room during the session. The wastes are released into what is effectively a lying down toilet (an OPEN area), which can create odour, noise and mess.

A Closed colonic involves a trained and qualified colon hydrotherapist being present during the session to switch on and turn off the water flow at different intervals and perform abdominal massage during the treatment to promote the elimination of waste. The wastes are released into a CLOSED tube, so there is no noise, odour or mess.


Our colonic hydrotherapy machine is a TGA approved medical device manufactured in Germany. It's the top-of-the-line latest model, manufactured in 2024. Colon hydrotherapists must be trained in using these machines and must have background education in other health modalities to undertake the training.

After working in our clinic with Open colonics clients for 17 years, Leanne has undertaken comprehensive training to offer the Closed methods of colonics. Leanne is a degree-qualified Naturopath and has a degree in Environmental and Public Health and Safety. So you can feel entirely confident you're in safe hands when you have colonics at Brunswick Holistic Health.

Why choose Closed Colonics at Brunswick Holistic Health?

We believe Closed colonics is the superior form of colonics, as you are guided and assisted by a health professional throughout the process. 

Our colon hydrotherapist Leanne is also a qualified Naturopath with 17 years experience assisting colonics clients, treating gut disorders and supporting detoxification. She can answer any queries or discuss your health concerns during your session.

Leanne is also available for private Naturopathic consultation if you are wanting a more comprehensive health appraisal. She can refer you for stool testing if appropriate (CDSA or Microbiome Map) and prescribe herbal and nutritional remedies to complement the practice of colon hydrotherapy, and support you on your health journey.

To find out more about Brunswick Holistic Health, colonics, naturopathy and our other healing modalities, book online, or call us on 03 9388 2422.

Find us

03 9388 2422

22 Tripovich St
(corner Ballarat St)
Brunswick VIC 3056

* Parking is best found on Ballarat St or the carpark on Victoria St near Sydney Rd.

Reception and over the counter Naturopathic advice and product sales are available:

  • Saturday

All other therapies are by appointment. Please book online on our website, email us using the CONTACT tab or phone the clinic on 9388 2422.
