{ Far Infrared Sauna FAQs }

FIR sauna: 

  • detoxifies the body 

  • improves metabolism and circulation 

  • burns calories and improves fitness

  • relieves pain and inflammation

  • boosts immunity, destroys bacteria and viruses and resolves infections

  • rejuvenates and cleanses the skin

  • is very relaxing, giving the body the effect of gentle exercise without the exertion

  • improves alkalinity in the body


A traditional sauna provides a hot environment to heat the skin, whereas a FIR sauna uses infrared rays similar to those we experience from the sun (without the harmful UV rays) to penetrate through the tissues to heat the body core. This provides multiple health benefits and enhanced detoxification.

Pregnant women should not use the FIR sauna.

Those with specific medical conditions or using pharmaceuticals should check with their GP. See the cautions and contraindications for more info.

Whilst we welcome everyone to our clinic, our sauna dome may not be suitable for everyone. Please see the dimensions below to ensure your comfort and call the clinic if you wish to discuss suitability. 

Dimensions are: 

Dome length: 165cm +30cm for the head rest.  

Dome Width: 50cm 

Dome Height: 38cm 

Yes, that’s fine. In the FIR sauna toxins are released via the sweat glands, not into the breast milk.

Drink lots of water. It’s very important to be well hydrated before having a FIR sauna. If you are dehydrated you will not sweat effectively and reap the benefits, and you may feel light-headed during / after your session due to low blood pressure. 

We also recommend exfoliating your skin before you come in, or even better doing some dry skin brushing. Avoid putting body lotions, cream, oils or make up on your skin - this ensures your pores are open for a nice, big sweat.

Absolutely nothing! We provide a damp towel for you to freshen up after your sauna, and an electrolyte drink to help you rehydrate.

Nothing! Infrared waves are most effective when they contact bare skin. We have a single person sauna, so you will be in the treatment room by yourself. As FIR heats the body core, you may feel hot or even still be sweating after your sauna, so loose comfortable clothing is ideal.

You may feel a sense of deep relaxation, a similar feeling to when you lie in the sun or have a massage. You won’t necessarily feel overly hot, but you will sweat. 

No, the sauna uses infrared light rays to heat you rather than a heater or hot rocks. Everything is covered so it's not possible to experience a contact burn, however the surface areas of the sauna will feel warm. 

We have the best quality FIR sauna available, that offers the lowest and safest EMF levels of any infrared sauna on the market. You can feel confident that the benefits of your sauna are not being outweighed by the EMFs emitted by cheaper FIR saunas.

Relaxed and rejuvenated. Your skin will have a healthy glow and you may notice an alleviation of muscular pain or tension. Due to an increase in circulation throughout your body you may also notice the skin on your legs or stomach is blotchy and red. This is a normal response and it does not last very long…it is more likely to happen in areas where the blood circulation is generally lower.

The sauna is safe to use every-day provided you have none of the existing conditions listed on the cautions page and are mindful to replenish the fluids you are losing via the sweat. A good electrolyte drink and lots of pure filtered water is the way to go.

We can provide back-to-back appointments for you and a friend or partner however the sauna is only big enough for one person at a time.

You are most likely familiar with the wooden box style sauna that most clinics use. At Brunswick Holistic Health we have opted for the dome style sauna to optimize your relaxation and detoxification. The concentrated heat of the dome means that just 30 minutes is all you need to reap the full rewards of a FIR sauna. This makes it easy to incorporate sauna sessions into your busy schedule.

Our FIR sauna costs $45 for a single session. Included in your session is a large electrolyte drink to help you rehydrate after your sauna.

If you're having a colonic or a massage in our clinic, you can also enjoy a sauna for an extra $30 only!

We have a lying down FIR sauna, which allows you to relax completely. You are lying on a heated pad, with a dome that surrounds your body - the best part is, your head is out of the sauna so you can breathe freely. Many people feel claustrophobic and lightheaded in cabin saunas - our system is ideal to prevent these unpleasant feelings. Rest assured that you will still sweat from your head and your face, as far infrared works by heating your body core. 

Yes, the sauna is quite popular, so it is best to book in advance to avoid disappointment.

Check out the Online Bookings tab to see available times. Alternatively, you can call one of our friendly staff to find out available times - 9388 2422.

Bookings can be made online or phone us on (03) 9388 2422.

{ Find us }

03 9388 2422
22 Tripovich Street
(Cnr Ballarat Street)
Brunswick VIC 3056
Parking is best found on Ballarat St or the carpark on Victoria St near Sydney Rd.

Reception and over the counter Naturopathic advice and product sales are available:


All other therapies are by appointment. Please book online on our website, email us via the contact page, or phone the clinic on 03 9388 2422.